The Ilex Wood - Calendula Salve - all natural balm, soothes rashes, itching, dry skin, eczema, chapped hands, palm oil free, cruelty free, plastic free, moisturising, handcrafted in the UK - 100ml

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  • The Ilex Wood Calendula Salve is All healing, all soothing, all purpose salve
  • The Ilex Wood Calendula Salve is Anti-inflammatory
  • The Ilex Wood Calendula Salve Helps with eczema relief
  • The Ilex Wood Calendula Salve Helps to treat insect bites.
  • The Ilex Wood Calendula Salve Helps soothe rashes. Recommend for hands ravaged by anti viral hand gel.

Product Description

Health Personal Care Child Skin Oils infants rash essentials everyday needs dermatitis  healingHealth Personal Care Child Skin Oils infants rash essentials everyday needs dermatitis  healing

Calendula in HandCalendula in Hand

Ah Calendula! Is there anything you can't do?

This salve can be used for most skin irritations including dermatitis, mild burns, rashes and bites.

Calendula also brightens the complexion and I even dab this salve on a daily face moisturiser.

Benefits of Calendula:

  • Antimicrobial - destroys & prevents the growth of micro-organisms including bacteria, viruses and fungi.
  • Anti-inflammatory - helps reduce inflammation and swelling.
  • Helps to treat insect bites.
  • Dermatitis relief and Helps soothe rashes.
  • Helps relieve the effects of burns including sunburn.
  • Acts as an antiseptic for abrasions and scrapes (do not apply to bleeding or open wounds). Can be used for fungal infections.
  • Helps reduce the appearance of scars.

Large 100 ml recyclable aluminium container

Calendula Salve - all natural balm, soothes rashes, itching, dry skin, chapped hands,Calendula Salve - all natural balm, soothes rashes, itching, dry skin, chapped hands,

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Calendula BenefitsCalendula BenefitsGreat for sore hands and fingers!

Recommend for hands ravaged by anti viral hand gel

Calendula salve is an all healing, all soothing, all purpose salve.

This versatile little flower can help cure many a skin ailment.

It's anti-inflammatory, anti bacterial, antiseptic and even anti fungal.

A pot of calendula salve should be a staple in anyone's medicine cupboard.

This salve can be used for most skin irritations including dermatitis, mild burns, rashes and bites.

Calendula also brightens complexion and I even dab this salve on a daily face moisturiser.

This is a very gentle salve and is safe to use for children.

Handcrafted in Northamptonshire, using only natural ingredients, The Ilex Wood offers clean, simple and effective skin care for those looking for a kind non-toxic green beauty routine.

Nothing unnatural. Nothing complicated. Nothing toxic.